Company Profile Know Fuso Pharmaceutical Industries, Ltd.

Q1What kind of drugs does Fuso Pharmaceutical handle?

We cater to ethical drugs, medical devices, diagnostic reagents, and research reagents (products related to infertility treatment).
Fuso Pharmaceutical was the first company in Japan to develop dialysis solutions and is a leading manufacturer of dialysis supplies.Fuso Pharmaceutical manufactures and sells many essential medical products, including dialysis-related drugs, infusions, and injections, and focuses on assisted reproductive technology (ART).

Dialysis supplies
We are a leading manufacturer of dialysis supplies and have developed Japan’s first dialysate for hemodialysis.
Infusions and injections
We manufacture basic pharmaceutical products that support medical care, with a wide range of infusions and injections.
Products related to infertility treatment
We handle products related to infertility treatment and focus on assisted reproductive technologies (ART).

Q2What is Fuso Pharmaceutical’s philosophy?

We support patients’ lives with dialysis supplies, infusions, and injections and create new lives with infertility products.

Supporting Life,
Nurturing Life
Urinary system
Infusions and injections
Assisted reproductive
technology (ART)

Q3What is important for Fuso Pharmaceutical?

Dialysis with dialysis supplies requires regular and continuous treatment. Additionally, treatment with infusions and injections is directly related to safety. As these drugs are indispensable for medical treatment, it is our social responsibility to provide them to patients in a stable manner. To ensure a stable supply of products, Fuso Pharmaceutical operates four production bases and 12 distribution centers throughout Japan.

Q4What kind of people work at Fuso Pharmaceutical?

Fuso Pharmaceutical employs individuals with diverse backgrounds and skills. We have established a variety of systems so that all employees can work to their full potential and achieve a good work-life balance.